Showing posts with label Father's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father's Day. Show all posts


The Meaning of Father's Day

As we know, Father's Day comes around once a year for most people. For us, we have 2 because the US has a Father's Day in June and Australia has a Father's Day in September. Therefore, as we have fathers in both countries, we have 2 Father's Days and this is special.

The Meaning of Father's Day

 The meaning of Father's Day to me is to celebrate someone who has always supported, loved and been there for you no matter what. It’s the feeling of being secure and knowing that no matter what you've done, your father will always be there for you.

That doesn't mean that there won't be fights, disagreements or punishments as children need these for boundaries are while growing up. In many cases, these will bond a father and a child together and as both get frustrated, upset, and angry but it all works out in the end because of the love, respect and feeling of being secure. These relationships make us who we grow up to be and we pass beliefs from one generation to the next.

As for all the great things Father’s Day means, it also has the other side of the coin for some – those who think it’s their right and to show “affection” by physically, sexually and mentally abuse children. In my view, no one should go through the physical, mental or sexual abuse, but if we face reality, there are people out there who do and think that is their right and it’s no one’s right. Many countries are backing this view up with various against abuse agencies in many countries - from abuse of children and spousal (Australia) and children and spousal (US). If you suffer from one of these, please report it to the authorities because that's the only way to get them help and ensure that it doesn't happen to others.

Ranges of Relationships

There are ranges of relationships from seeing them every now and then to having contact with them every day all day. Each relationship is different; however, sometimes people on either end thing it’s either too much or not enough. The difficult part is being able to be truthful about what you want from the relationship and being able to communicate that to the other person in this case – your father.

I’m not saying that it’s an easy task because all relationships are hard work, but sometimes they fail and that communication, no matter how hard you try, will continue to fail but sometimes the communication will work and everyone will feel better for it. I can now see you thinking, well how can we get the communication to work? Honestly, I don’t know. I think it stems from the type of relationship you had while growing up – if you had a great relationship and feel you could sharethings then it will probably work. However, if you had the type of relationship where you were told one thing and something else was done or felt undermined at every turn in different ways, the communication probably won’t work.

 In closing, in my opinion, even if you had one of the latter types of relationships, where communication was very hard to do, I would still probably keep trying. Let’s face it, we all only have one father – sometimes we get another try by having step father’s and father in laws – but the fact remains your genes will only have come from only one female and one male. Remember that once that male, or father, dies and you don’t have a chance to communicate with him, you lose the relationship and all the history that he is passing down via views and history from that side of your family. I know that trying to keep those communication lines open is very hard (and in some cases very tiring!) work but just keep asking yourself, who’s really going to lose out in the end?

Here's a picture of my father and I in 2011.

What your view? Do you agree or not agree to my point of view? Please comment and let us know what you are thinking.