Hi All,
I have started a book challenge which requires me to blog about the books (here's the link:
http://community.eharlequin.com/webx?14@@.4a838589a) I'm currently reading. This I try to do once to twice a week. Hell, if I posted to the newsgroups I'm on, the book challenge AND here, I'd never get anything else done. As it is, I feel like all I seem to do is write things down to talk about life when mine's not that exciting.
Anyhow, we just had Easter. Today is Easter Monday and everyone has off here in Oz. We got late and then Brett made some pancakes, I made us our drinks, we sat down to eat and watch some TV while we ate. Then I did the dishes. I finished watching the program that was on and then came to check emails. Mainly they were crap. There were 2 good joke ones, but the rest were either the newsgroups I post in, jobs emails, or spam from people out there that don't know how to leave us alone with that stuff. Then I figured I better start looking at some of the newsgroups and got them done about 1/2 way. Then I remembered this and thought that I better put in an entry (so here it is).
The rest of the day is for finishing the newsgroups, backing up and moving around some data on my hard drives (as they were almost full yesterday and I had to make room onto DVD's). Then if Brett isn't home from fixing his car (new steering rack), then I have to go out and water two new plants that I put in last week, call Gail (a girlfriend) about going over there tomorrow, and doing some reading. Oh and I have some footage that I have to take off the video camera to put on the hard drive so I can finally burn some of the commonwealth games crap and get that off the hard drive.
Finally, I have to make dinner, do the dishes and maybe get the chance to relax today.
Anyone bored with my life yet? I'll try and post in here as I've now put a shortcut on my desktop (and I hate things on my desktop so I do visit those a few times a week.
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