Showing posts with label working. Show all posts
Showing posts with label working. Show all posts


"The Book of Me, Written by You" - Task Reflections

This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations.
This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations. - See more at:
This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations. - See more at:
The prompt for the week is:    
Task Reflections
The Brief:
  • Write a list of each task you undertake for any given day.
  • Include the fine details of the tasks  - taking milk out of the fridge to add to a drink - what was the milk in? a jug, quart container?
  • Compare those tasks to an ancestor - someone born in the late 19th Century or early 20th Century and preferably someone that you knew or remember.
  • Record and discuss the differences
  • What of those discoveries has impacted on you?

At the moment I cannot really do the tasks as each day these tasks are different especially as I'm still trying to complete things from over the holiday time period and catch up with the posts here.

My daily routine
Normally, I'd get up, make breakfast and get dressed to start the day. I usually go on my walk (lately I haven't been doing this until the afternoon or late evening), and then I was sitting down to work on my certificate I finished up midyear. After I finished my certificate up, I used the time to write up
presentations and resources for my classes for the rest of the year and then I sat doing genealogy research. Then went for a walk with the dog, Buddy follows me around the house, and back home and made dinner.

My ancestor's routines
I can imagine people like my great grandmother Annie and greats back before her all got up and made the household breakfast before they went out to either work (baker, farmer, factory workers) and the women cleaned the house, did the dishes, did the laundry, looked after the gardens, looked
Woodhull's Dairy in 1870-1920?  - Taken from website
after the vegetable patches and made everything from scratch. Then there were the children. All dogs were probably kept outside.

Comparing the two routines
I can see my ancestor's milking the cows (as some owned dairy farms) and the kids or wife bringing in the milk to use with the breakfast. I know when I was a child, we would go to a farm which gave away some milk to people so all we would have to do is bring in the glass and then plastic jugs and then take them home with us.

Me walking at Sam's Point in 2011.
I know on the weekends and when I'm home, like I have been, I make things from scratch. When I was working such long hours I was just too tired to do it. However, with me being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, I've went back to basics and have brought the Diabetes back under control. Today the foods are not pure - instead companies fill them with sugars, salts and any other thing that will make them taste good. This is one of the major problems with people today and why people are cannot get over the mother in the US that the authorities want to bring up on child neglect charges because they were walking back from the park. What has the world turned into? Its crazy...
gaining so much weight! The other is no exercise - or very little. I still

Equipment that is used compared
My husband's coffee machine and grinder
I know I use a computer and back in the 1800's they would have had books to read and paper and pen to use instead of the computer. As for the kitchen, we have a kettle that is electric but its not that much of a stretch to boil water in a pot. My husband and his 'machine' I can only imagine what the look would have been on my ancestor's faces if they wanted coffee and my husband used the machine for them. In fact, its probably the same type of face my sister gave him the time she visited and saw what he went through in order to get one cup of coffee - she told him point blank that was too hard.
Early 1800 Teapot from husband's Moyode Castle connection

I can only imagine what they would have thought of the TV and the way we can get movies over the internet. I know my paternal grandmother Jean, would have told us if we wanted that then we should have watched when it was on and not save it. She thought an answering machine was a waste of money and space because if they wanted you badly enough then they would call you back. Oh she was such a character!

The one thing I think they would have fought against would be how fast everything moves today and how its all got to be done NOW! Also, how religion has fallen down and not been practiced very much. Up until my mother's generation I can tell everyone thought highly and made time for religion. However, since that generation church seems like something the rest of us think about, but are usually too busy to go. I know that's one of my problems - the services are held at a time when I'm just too busy (working or doing things that need to get done) or on days when I can be doing other things that need to be done. Another reason could be that growing up, the way my mother said church it was like a bad word. Only when I really pushed and I had to go with one of my friends in order to go. It was like world war 3 to do it. Overall, it was just too hard and so I never really went consistently.

Where I am trying to attend services
I do know my husband and I talked about it and if we ever had kids then they would go, as it would be another type of support system and I would encourage it. However, that seems very unlikely it would happen to us, so I guess its a mute point.

  Check back for the continuation of "The Book of me, Written by You" series.    


"The Book of Me, Written by You" - Jobs and Careers

This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations.
This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations. - See more at:
This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations. - See more at:
The prompt for the week is:    
Jobs and Careers
The Brief:
  • Did you have a Saturday job, holiday job?
    • Where was it?
    • What did you do?
    • Can you recall who you worked for and with?
    • What was the biggest / most important thing you learnt here?
    • Did it inspire your future?
    • Do you have any pictures / photos / clippings?
  • Did you have full / part time job?
    • Job or career
      • Does it not matter?
      • Is it the same?
    • Did you enjoy what you did? - Why?
    • Was it a passion or a means to an end?
    • Who did you work with?
  • Did you have work place reviews?
    • Did they fit with your personal plan?
    • Did you have a career / employment work plan?
  • Did you stay at home?
    • Or did you really want to?
  • Did you have employment hopes and dreams
    • Regrets
While growing up, I started having "jobs" outside of the house at about the age of 12. These were a range of things from babysitting, to picking up trash outside of businesses, to helping deliver newspapers, to wash dishes, to be a prep cook in a bar, to washing down stock shelves that were layered with oil and then you have the toilets to scrub before businesses opened again just to name a few things I've done before the age of 18. Yep, I was a worker.

Work after high school
By the age of 18, I worked on Saturday's and after school at the High School's pool as a student swimming aide. By the summer, they put me in charge of kids from 4 to about 13 that couldn't even put their faces in the water and there were about 2 dozen of them! I still remember when I couldn't
figure out why one of the kids wouldn't even get into the water which puzzled me. When the mother came to get the child I asked her what would be the reason for this. After asking me if I couldn't handle her son, I told her that's not what I asked - I asked why he wouldn't get into the water. After awhile she broke down saying his twin brother died from drowning. Duh! And she didn't think about telling someone? *sigh*  On a positive note, by the end of the summer, I had all of my students up at different levels but they were more than one level up from my basic level, so I was very pleased. In fact, one of the kids that had the biggest problem of putting her face in the water, made up to jumping off of the diving board but she wouldn't do it unless I did it first and then they couldn't keep her off of it. The little boy I mentioned above with the twin? He was swimming above and below the water by the end of the summer, but he hadn't made it to jumping off of the diving board - yet.

Summer vacations
Between high school and trade school and starting the local community college (see prior posts for this information) I worked for temp agencies. It was interesting if nothing else due to the fact I had no office experience to go by. The best one was a local oxygen supplier for people with breathing difficulties. You never knew what you were going to run into and more often than not you would get panicked people, not because they ran out, but they were on their last part of breathing oxygen. Most of the time it was going to be delivered on that day, but the customers "forgot". I think that's how I've learned not to panic with most situations and just deal with what you can and start a list - lists are
what makes the world go around and have saved me loads of times over the years. Also, you are rewarded if you keep up great work as I actually was awarded a Tiffany necklace because of my work.

Working at the community colleges
After that summer, I started at the local community college as I've listed in prior posts. After about a year, I found out I could work in the labs between classes. I wouldn't have to leave the place, and I could fit in work between classes instead of just having to find a place to hang out. I learned about
backing up, different types of computer and audio visual equipment, and just want people, who spend hours in the labs, actually do. Interesting if nothing else. Besides, it brought in the much needed money as my mother was laid off from her job.

As I've just stated, my mother lost her job, which was a big blow to us because even with unemployment checks, we were not going to have enough to buy food with, run the cars or any of the other necessities you have. I then started working at the local Super 8 Motel, as a front desk clerk. I would work mainly on the weekends, but during the summers or when they needed me I would work. In fact, I even started helping out at the Middletown, NY Super 8 for awhile too. What would be tricky would be when I was slated to work until 4pm at one and start at the other one at 4pm. I told them I didn't care what they did, but I needed
Super 8 in Montgomery where I spent almost 4 years working
about 30 minutes between these times - I had to get something to eat AND drive from one place to another unless they knew of some way they could beam me there. Somehow it all worked out. The main thing that I learned while working at these places? Be nice but be strong with everyone. If you weren't this way with customers, they would walk all over you. If you weren't this way with the bosses and other workers, again they would walk all over you. After almost 4 years of this, I finally had enough, and walked out after giving notice. However, the management must have thought I was kidding as when I went away to college, they actually called my house asking if I could work - after I gave notice and walked out. I guess some people are thick headed like that.

As for working the labs and at Super 8, I was approached to tutor other students by advisers. I asked they why on earth would they think I would be good at it and I would be screwing up these students as badly as I was. They denied that, and thought I'd do a good job. I worked as a tutor on and off for the next 3 years. I tutored in different things from WordPerfect and Lotus (yes it was that far back ok?) to coding in COBOL and answering questions in RPG. I have to admit the coding stuff was great! Lessons learned here were sometimes you had to be patient even when you wanted to slam someone's head into the keyboard/monitor/desk and sometimes you had to say things in more than one way. Further, make sure you backed up and talked with the teacher of the class so you knew if you had to try other things.

Life after colleges
After starting at SUNY, and working more jobs at the temp agency and other part time jobs, I learned that you must be able to get along with the bosses and there are better ones out there than others. Ones that would listen and ones that wouldn't.

Employment in Australia
I found this country is probably one of the hardest to actually gain full time employment - and keep it - in. I've never had jobs that I had a hard time keeping and they were sad for me to leave. I even had one where they were looking for any and all reasons to fire the person that normally had the job so I could stay. I had to talk them out of this due to ligation but even then it was over 2 weeks of talks with them.

I started with Hayes Employment which I had a temp job with. I figured it was a foot in the door with IT and AV equipment with a college. No problem. I know all about the politics that went along with it. It was supposed to be 2 nights a week unless they needed someone. Well, that 2 nights went to 5 nights fairly quickly (within 2 weeks) and I was getting called in even after I told them I wouldn't be available on certain days. What I found was the other 2 people in the full time positions, were calling me in and then going down to the local pub and drinking and picking up women. I lasted less than 3 months (a month after I found out and told them to stop or else I was out).

Then it took me another 4 months to find another position. This one I found on my own with P&O. It
wasn't hard but it was frustrating as they listed me as an EDP Operator (who uses those terms in the late 1990's??). However, they expected me to keypunch, run the mainframe and backups, play IT help desk and a range of other IT duties. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but I was pulling about 50-60 hours a week, without the IT pay and without the title. Then they sold off about half of the business. They wanted me with the new business but in the accounting department. When I asked about duties they said the same thing as I was currently doing. Really? I asked about pay (the same) and then about a title (the same). Again really? My boss was going to stay with the head company, but I was to go with the new company. I could see it would be a bad decision, and I was made redundant and given a package. Again, off to look for that job.

The ACFE office where I spent hours
I had a few odds and ends jobs here and there but nothing stable.

After 3 long years of looking, I finally landed a job with Adult, Community and Further Education which as a small business. It was only after I was there, temping, for a bit, I realized it was part of the
Victorian Government, which I figure would be stable (as in I was going to be employed) so I could settle in and deal with politics of the place. After nearly 6 years there, my whole level was made redundant. Off to the woods I go, looking for that job.

Since then, I've went back and gotten my Certificate IV in Web Based Technologies. I've also taken up writing my blogs (a personal blog, a genealogy blog, and an IT blog). I have started reading and doing family genealogy and indexing again.

I have been teaching at a few Learn Locals which teaches community people different skills. Its very rewarding and its very interesting. However, the downside is there just isn't enough promised work or the base rate isn't very high, which isn't the fault of the Learn Locals - its because the government doesn't give enough money out for these types of services.

I am looking for work doing Web Based Technology (web design, web content) type of work, but as I don't have any commercial, only personal for our web page for about 18 years, and I'm trying to keep up with the technology in this area, but not many businesses are looking to give people a shot - they look at the lack of experience in this area or the age of the applicant - and they reject the applications. Its very frustrating.

The Future
I will continue on looking for web paging work. However, I think I'm going to be forced to either go back into admin and finance, which is what I was doing, or spend the money to someone to basically buy a internship. I remember when internships you were given an interview and either accepted or not. I feel buying (or paying money for a company to get you one) is wrong. That's why I'm having such a hard time with that one.

However, that being said, I don't want to stop the teaching - weather its at night or on the weekends, I'd still want to teach and help out the community.

If you are looking for people to hire, why not hire someone that is a tiny bit older? I still have a good 30 or so years before the government will let me retire.

  Check back for the continuation of "The Book of me, Written by You" series.