Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts


"The Book of Me, Written by You" - Feeding the Ducks (Animals)

The prompt for the week is:    
Feeding the Ducks (Animals)
The Brief:
    • Think back to your childhood. Did you feed the ducks? 
    • Do you remember the excitement of the event?
    • Were you scared of the ducks?
    • Who were you with?
    • Do you perhaps still feed the ducks?
    Of course you substitute the ducks for farm animals or pets
      Growing up I did have a range of pets. At first these were kittens, but then once my mother found she was allergic to them, we switched to dogs. I have to admit I love dogs and cats are ok but I would like a rabbit over a cat.

      When I was very tiny, I can remember my brother and father having a boxer and it having pups in my brothers closet of all places. I can also slightly remember a chihuahua named Midgie. Then there was a few years when my parents divorced and we didn't have any pets. 

      Once we got an apartment and settled a tiny bit, we had a few barn cats that came and went. They usually came because people dropped them off, but they went because they did things - an example was one cat that jumped up on the counters and ate an entire frozen turkey my mother took out for us to have for dinner. 

      After we found out about my mother's allergies, we switched to dogs and puppies. We had this one very young puppy and one of my mother's friends that came over decided to give it a beer. Well that poor puppy was so full and so drunk and passed out in its food dish. Funny at the time but no so funny now that I think about it. 

      In addition to the puppies, in the teens I also had a rabbit and guinea pigs. However, I found these died pretty quickly and regularly, so they got old pretty fast. 

      I did get to go to places like Catskill Game Farm, which has now closed. There would be all types of animals and we got to feed the babies they had there. 
      People feeding the babies at Catskill Game Farm when it was open.

      There was also a barn on the outside of Walden, NY which my mother always got us milk from. Once there, I was always able to help the farmer feed the cats he had on hand. I know the last time we went by this place, a grandchild was living there but there were no live stock and things looked horrible and it certainly wasn't used as a farm any longer.

      Then there were the trips to places like Space Farms Zoo and Museum which had just opened up when we went. 

      There was also another tiny feeding place for goats and such on one of the back roads on the way to Goshen, NY from Walden. Its now or was called Knolliewood Skatepark and has no animals any longer.I think my mother may still have pictures of these.

        Check back for the continuation of "The Book of me, Written by You" series.    


      "The Book of Me, Written by You" - Love

      This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations.
      This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations. - See more at:
      This is a journey of finding yourself and how your loved ones see you in their eyes. Further, this can be online and carried forward to share, if you wish, to future generations. - See more at:
      The prompt for the week is:    
      The Brief:
      • Love comes in varying shapes and sizes
      • I love you
      • I love ice cream
      • I love the smell of rain, Spring, toast
      • I love my (insert your family member, pet etc)
      • There is no right or wrong way to love....or is there?
      • Define what love means to you.
      Love is a 4 letter word that can and to some does mean so much more than a 4 letter word. It means a variety of things from loving a song, colour, a food, a thing, a place, a pet and a person just to name a few of them. It also revolves over your lifetime as well. Something you love when you are aged 10 changes and as you grow some of the things you love drop off once you reach the age of 40, while others stay there but there are different types of love each of which has a different level of importance.

      As I group these into types, remember these are MY types and levels and not everyone will feel the same way.

      Hobbies & Everyday Items Type - Lowest

      2 of my running trophies before I had to stop
      The lowest type of "love" are for hobbies and everyday items such as chocolate, ice cream, shoes, songs, etc. These are the things we do love but if they ever went away, while we would feel the loss, it wouldn't bring you to your knees. Further, these are the items I'm talking about when I say love drops off and evolves overtime. Other types of love do this, but this is more frequent in this group. For instance, when I was under 15 years old, I loved to run. I would run to school and then run home...just to run. However, once I had injured first my back and then my knee and ankles, I still
      loved to run, but just couldn't do it any longer. Do I love to run? You bet, but I can't. Another form would be chocolate and ice cream. I love both, but I have to regulate how much I eat, so I can't eat as much as I want (or else I'd get sick if nothing else!). I could survive without them, and I have done so in the past when I needed to regulate my sugar, however, I wouldn't want to go without. Besides, as I'm sitting here writing this article up, I'm eating some dark chocolate baking bits. YUM!

      When you discover a new hobby or item, such as a new food you tried, and when you experience it or accomplish something is when you feel true love of this type.

      Pets & Friends Type - Medium

      This is in the middle as we have very close friends and some friends that we haven't seen in awhile, but the fact remains if they were to go away or die we'd feel a more severe heart ache because we do love them. The same goes for pets. Some people have pets and they go outside to feed and give them a quick pet. Whereas others, like myself, consider them family and they are a member of the family. When something happens to them, we have the same severe (or maybe even more so) than loosing a close friend. An example would be my friend Brian Sherry VanLeuven. I knew him from school and considered him a friend; however, when we lost him in 2013, it hurt and I was sad to know someone that young is gone. Another example would be when we lost our dogs JR (2004) and Jackie (2012). They were both our dogs, but JR was under 3 years old and Jackie as over 10 years old. They both hurt, but Jackie we let go due to diabetes complications as it was the thing to do. JR I still think of and mourn for but Jackie I am sad but know he's in a better place. 

      During better times, you have when you first meet the friend or pet or parties or celebrations for them are some examples of these times.

      Family Type - High

      Unfortunately, we only have one of these which for some people is a good thing and for some people is a bad thing. However, how much everyone within that family fights and doesn't get along with they are still joined by common genes, people and views on basic levels. Believe me, I don't have the closest of families, and have never even had a reunion or gathering because World War 3 would probably be a safer place, but we all still have the same genes and basic views on most things (please notice the world MOST). 
      Some family at my uncle's funeral

      While I put the word most in there, there are sometimes very few things families look at the same way whereas sometimes you cannot mistaken they are family because they have the same outlook on all things. For instance, my father's a Republican and sends me (who's a Democrat for the most part) jokes about things against the Democrats. At first I told him not to send me those things, but he didn't take any notice of me. At first I was ticked off and annoyed, but rather than getting upset, I just delete them now. However, the fact is we both have strong views in politics, which is a common thing and that's ok. Another is my brother, myself and my nieces feel strongly about family and how close they should be. And if anyone in the family needed anything, we would help out as much and where we could and nothing would stop us. An example would be when my niece needed help after the hurricanes visited her multiple times in 2005. They needed a bit of help to get them up and going again, and my nieces took up a collection for her to help them out, which it did. It wasn't much but it was all we could do to help them out and they were very thankful. 

      Some good examples of this type are parties, celebrations, births and weddings are when you see each other during the better times.

      Spouse/Partner & Children Type - Extremely High

      This type are the people you are in direct contact with day in and out. If something happens to them, your whole world feels like it comes crashing down on you. This is the extreme love where your chest feels like its going to kill you because it hurts so much. I know all about the children loss when I didn't have a choice to have surgery because our baby was in the wrong spot in 2004. Your whole world just stops spinning and you just feel completely and utterly numb. Every day you think about the person - even if its just something small or in passing but it reminds you of the loss. True over the years the loss feels less but its still constantly with you no matter what.

      1997 My husband's family at our wedding
      Marriage, commitment or baptism ceremonies are probably the best examples of these types of good things in these types.

      As you can see by my chart, there are different levels and types. They do vary but if they all still hurt when it comes to death or disassociation from them. On the other hand, which I don't think I've mentioned enough in this article, when you feel the love with these types its the best at the same time.

        Check back for the continuation of "The Book of me, Written by You" series.